January 24, 2025
Phone number: +91 2525 297 072

Club Inauguration

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Club Inauguration

                                  School life is busy. Children wake up early to get ready for school, learn different subjects & have homework to do. Their life becomes a clockwork; they never get a chance to stand and realise their inner talent.

Joining clubs and volunteering is a great way to make new friends, build teamwork, gain self-confidence, relieve stress, learn real-world skills and develop time management skills.

Keeping this in mind, we at St. John International School introduced 10 innovative clubs for the academic year 2022-23 .

They are as follows:

  • Language Club
  • Maths Club
  • Art Club
  • Heritage Club
  • Health and wellness Club
  • Eco Club
  • Sports Club
  • Science Club
  • Cyber Safety Club
  • Tourism Club

           The inauguration of various clubs of the school for the academic session 2022-23 was held on Monday 11th July 2022.

The function officially commenced with a prayer song by the choir of SJIS students, followed by an act/skit by each club.

The objectives of all the clubs were presented by the members by each club one by one in the form of Act/Skit/Play:

  • Language Club- The students prepared a beautiful banner for Language Club. One student of Grade VIII A gave a speech on the Importance of Languages for communication. Other students presented diversity in languages and dress style by speaking a few sentences in those languages. They presented Unity in Diversity also through this.
  • Maths Club – Supplementing the teaching of mathematics in the classroom and to widen the knowledge of the student, Maths Club students explained different types of Quadrilateral and their Properties through a short story of a Quadrilateral family.
  • Art Club-The motto of the Arts Club is to inspire and enable our students to actively learn and develop their talent and skills that will develop artistic expression. Art club presented Song, Dance on the inauguration day and was enjoyed by everyone.
  • Heritage Club-Heritage Club displayed different types of heritages and also introduced ways of preserving our cultural heritage, Material heritage, Natural and World heritage with the help of an Act.
  • Health and wellness Club- Striving on the motto, “Healthy life, productive life, I’m happy, I’ll make others happy”, this club presented a skit on healthy and Unhealthy food habits and also gave a message to stay healthy by having healthy food habits in everyday life.
  • Eco Club-The Eco Club is a student centred club striving to incorporate safe environmental practices into their daily lives while acting as role models for their peers. Keeping this in mind members of Eco club performed an Act and gave the message of “Reuse, Reduce and Recycle “for a positive environmental change.
  • Sports Club- Students of the sports club performed tableau and aerobics to provide healthy sporting habits among the students. Sports mainly infuses discipline & instils the value system in one individual. It also teaches each one the Value of time, precision & competitiveness.
  • Science Club-Science club displayed the importance of Science and objective of Science club through a Skit.
  • Cyber Safety Club-Members of Cyber safety club performed “Cyber Safety Mime Act” in which the members enacted some glimpses of cyber bullying attacks and explained what are the consequences of the cyber-attacks on people and society.
  • Tourism Club-The tourism club presented a short skit on the importance of preserving and maintaining cleanliness on a beach which was taken as a representational symbol for a tourism attraction spot. This was done to spread awareness on the importance of the tourism industry for the economy of a region, state and country.

Principal Sr. Veena Monteiro explained the importance of clubs in school and also said that clubs provide plenty of opportunities for students to take on leadership roles and show off their talents through club activities and finally the Vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Shabana Bhojani.