January 24, 2025
Phone number: +91 2525 297 072


  • Date: Tuesday, Jun 5, 2018
  • Time: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Location: Quadrangle of School
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On 5th June 2018 the students celebrated “Environment Day” in the school premises. The theme was ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’ . Students from Std. I to IX participated in this programme. The Chief guests were officers from the forest department. Snake friend Mr Bhushan Bhoir also accompanied the officers.

Students made different types of banners pertaining to the topic. Students of Std. VII sang a song on the theme, Students of Std. VIII & IX enacted a skit on plastic pollution.

The guests were then welcomed by the Students of Std. VIII. Mr Bhushan Bhoir addressed the students and in his speech he made the students aware how plastic is harmful to the environment, to animals, to rivers etc. Students attentively listened to the speech, they were encouraged to put into practice all that Mr Bhushan advised them.

Two saplings were planted by the students with the help of the chief guests. And this was followed by a rally around the campus. The students were motivated by this programme.