Felicitation Sr. Clara
Date: 22.07.2022
“If the sign on your heart says “Welcome”, the love will come pouring in from everywhere.”
We welcomed Sr. Clara with the above words for her felicitation programme. The Management along with the School Principal arranged for the felicitation programme. Mr. Albert W. D’ Souza The Chairman of Aldel Educational Trust, Mrs. Elvina D’ Souza, the Secretary of Trust, Mrs. Elaine D’Souza Buthello, The Treasurer, Mr. Aldridge D’ Souza, Trust Member, Principal of other Institutes and the school Principal Sr.Veena Monteiro along with students of grade VIII, IX and X were present in the Auditorium Hall to honour her for her services that she has done for the Campus and the sisters Congregation at large.
The programme started with a prayer song, a prayer dance and two dances followed by speech of Chairman Sir. We also had an Ex- student Hritesh Maikap to share his experiences of growing up in the institute. Sr. Clara then shared her thoughts in the form of a story and thanked everyone for the arrangements. Sr. Veena the Principal of St. John International school spoke about her personal and professional relationship with Sr. Clara. She thanked everyone for their undying support and finally the programme ended with National Anthem.