February 18, 2025
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Field trip – Visit to Shirgaon Fort

  • Location: Shirgaon Fort-Palghar
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Field Trip-Shirgaon Fort

Grade : IV A, B and C

Dated: 25th April 2019

Day: Thursday

Students of Grade IV A , B and C went on a Field trip to Shirgaon fort, Palghar. We started our journey at 10:15 am. The Class teacher accompanied them to the venue. There was a huge map at the entrance of the fort. Ms. Jagruti explained the entire map with great enthusiasm and joy. Students were excited to enter the fort. Ms. Delisa took them on the round of various areas of the fort and explained them the history of Shirgaon fort. Students also saw and understood the earlier cannon balls. Students had a very great and live experience. We ended are Field trip with MCQ asked by Mrs. Forum.



“Going on a School Field trip and realizing the bus ride was the best part”.