February 18, 2025
Phone number: +91 2525 297 072

“ Healthy Plate,  Happy Fate “ Nutrition Week 

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 “ Healthy Plate,  Happy Fate “ Nutrition Week                                                                                          

World Health Day (WHD) is celebrated on 7 April every year to mark the anniversary of the founding of WHO in 1948.This year’s theme for world health day was ‘My Health My Right’. This means that every person has the right to get good healthcare, and learn about how to stay healthy. Nutrition is the focal point of health and well-being. In other words, it allows you to be strong, provides you with the energy to do the things you want to do, and makes you look and feel your best.

To ensure that our students inculcate healthy food habits and awareness regarding the choice of food, Health and Wellness Club of St. John International School organised ‘Healthy Plate, Happy Fate nutrition week’ from April 5th 2024 to April 12th 2024 for class VI – XII.

The students of Class VI and VII made: Sprout bhel / Corn Bhel,

Class VIII & IX: Fruit Salad /Corn salad/ vegetable salad or both in combination.

Class X, XII: Sandwich.