February 18, 2025
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Housewise Group Singing  Competition

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Housewise Group Singing  Competition

 Date: 23rd July, 2024

Grade:  VI-VIII

Venue: Bollywood Dance Hall

Learning outcome of the Activity:

1) To  improve Vocal Technique and Performance Skills.

2) To increase Confidence and Resilience

 “Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought.”

An intra school Housewise Group singing competition was organised at  St. John International School, Palghar on 23 July ,2024.

Students of VI  to VIII participated in the competition with great deal of enthusiasm and excitement. Melodious voices echoed the walls of the school as the students sang with their whole hearts. The theme of the competition was ‘Patriotic Song’ . Each Group  showed their mastery over voice modulation, pitch, rhythm and tone.

All the participants practised thoroughly for competition. The audience thoroughly enjoyed the tuneful songs and were impressed with the confidence and enthusiasm of the participants. The objective of the competition was to create confidence in the students and also to bring out the musical talent in them.

The judges for the competition appreciated the musical talents of the students and wished them luck for future endeavours.

The soulful event ended with a special performance by the judges.