February 18, 2025
Phone number: +91 2525 297 072

Red House Fest

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Red House Fest

Date: 29/07/2024

Grade  : VI to XII

Venue : Quadrangle of the School

Learning outcome of the Activity:

1) The students understand the significance of the colour Red and feel the joy of having a vibrant colour in their immediate environment.

Report on the Activity:

The Red House: “It depicts VICTORY, Red is the symbol of love, courage, sacrifice, victory and honour.”

Red, the colour signifying love and compassion is celebrated as Red Day. The Red house fest was celebrated at St. John International School. The students and the faculty members were dressed in red to add to the importance and festive atmosphere behind the Red Day celebration. The shades of red induced in the students the sensations of joy.

To heighten the feelings of joy and good cheer, a dance performance by Grade VII, VIII, IX students delighted everyone present on the occasion.

On the whole it had an amazing exuberance of the colour red.