February 18, 2025
Phone number: +91 2525 297 072

Awareness Program for School Administrators

  • Time: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Location: Manchester / United kingdom

Awareness Program for School Administrators

Date: 02nd February 2019
Time: 01 pm to 03:30 pm
Venue: The Orbis School, Mundhwa,Pune

Topic: Awareness Program for School Administrators on latest CBSE Initiatives.
Resource Person: Mr. Edmend Dantise (Principal, SSDV Dnyanpeeth, Khamgaon)

As an Initiative of the CBSE board to ensure quality and error free evaluation of the answer books of the board examination a workshop was conducted by the resource person Mr. Edmend Dantise at the Orbis School, Mundhwa,Pune on 02nd February 2019. Rev. Sr. Apoline Pais, Principal St. John International School Attended the workshop.
The topics that were covered in the workshop were the new affiliation and examination bye-laws, Standard IX & X attendance norms, Scholastic and Co-Scholastic Assessments of Remodelled assessment structure, Mainstreaming Health and Physical Education, Two levels of Mathematics in AISSE, New Grading System, New Pass criteria for Std X, Promotion and retest policies, Reserve Fund new norms, Additional Subjects, Third Language norms, Art Education Curriculum, Norms regarding Transfer Certificate, Norms regarding the selection of Text Books, School Fees, National Skill Qualification Framework (NVEQF) for Std IX & X or Skill Subjects, School Website, CWSN or PWD Norms & Martial arts for Self Defence.

The resource person addressed all the topics in an elaborate manner and cleared the doubts of the participants. There was a face to face interaction with the Principals at the end of the workshop.