October 5, 2024
Phone number: +91 2525 297 072

Celebration of Reading Week

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“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin

St. John International School observed Reading Week as suggested by CBSE from 8th September to 14th September to highlight the importance of literacy for individuals and the societies as well as the need for augmented efforts towards more literate societies. The school conducted various activities during online class like Readebate, organising Online LITFEST, READ-A-THON, Online book buddies etc. to instill the values of reading and to encourage the habit of reading. This activity altogether brought life to a new way of teaching.

Details of Reading Week are as below.

Grade Subject Total boys participated Girls participated Total
IX English 25 17 42
Hindi 09 06 15
Marathi 16 11 27
X English 16 7 24
Hindi 08 02 10
Marathi 09 06 15