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Coding Training Session

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Coding Training Session

Date: 15th July, 2022

 Father Thomas Schwarz led a training session for Python coding on July 14, 2022, from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. Sr. Veena Monteiro, the principal, greeted everyone and gave a warm welcome before the training began. Mr. Aldridge D’souza gave the resource person, Father Schwarz, a brief introduction. Additionally, the principal officially greeted the resource person and the participants for the day. After introducing everyone, Fr. Schwarz gave a comprehensive overview of the training program’s objectives. Fr. Schwarz continued the course by defining Python and going over some of its uses and applications. In the computer lab, each participant had the opportunity to test out Python first-hand. Under Father Schwarz’s direction, the attendees experimented with a variety of tasks and programmes. The speaker did a good job of running the training session as a whole and connected the inputs to the main goal and objectives of the day at the conclusion. The session included a variety of interesting topics that piqued the interest of the attendees. Father responded to and provided insight into the attendees’ questions.

Mr. Wilson Aranha offered a final vote of gratitude at the conclusion of the training session, and Sr. Veena then officially adjourned it.