“रा ष्ट्रभाषा के बिना राष्ट्र गूंगा है: महात्मा गां धी ”
The primary section of St. John International School celebrated Hindi Diwas on 14th September 2023, to commemorate the adoption of Hindi written in Devanagari script as one of the two official languages of the Republic of India by the Constituent Assembly of India . To this end, several people rallied and lobbied pan-India in favour of Hindi. As such, on the 50th birthday of Beohar Rajendra Sinha on 14th September 1949, the efforts came to fruition the adoption of Hindi as an official language.
Various competitions were held for the students like hasya kavita, Hindi elocution competition and poetry recitation competition.
The Event was a success as maximum numbers of students participated in it and contributed their skills and talents. The objective of the competition was to improve the speaking skills as well as the confidence of the students.