January 24, 2025
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  • Date: Friday, Apr 27, 2018
  • Time: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Location: Quadrangle of School
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Investiture ceremony was conducted on 13th June 2018. The Student Council were selected from students of Std VIII & IX.

The ceremony was held with great pomp and show on the quadrangle of the school. The event was presided over by the Secretary Mrs. Elvina D’souza and Treasurer Mrs. Elaine D’souza Buthello of Aldel Trust. General Manager – Mr. Karunakar Shetty along with our principal Sister Apoline Pais.

The Investiture ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly invested office bearers. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.

The ceremony commenced with the lighting of the lamp, which signifies removal of darkness, incessant mounting of the flames symbolizes the virtue and holiness. Donning the mantle of accountability they also pledge to bestow their duties to the best of their abilities.

The elected leader’s profiles were displayed on the screen. They were conferred with badges and sashes by our honourable guests. After that Mrs.Elvina D’Souza gave an inspirational speech and congratulated all the council members. She advised them to be impartial and honest in discharging their duties, she also exhorted them to uphold their values. The Principal also appreciated and congratulated them. She advised them to be role models and extended a supporting hand to the students for the smooth running of the school. The function concluded with the National Anthem.