Online Session on Legal Ethical hacking and Cyber crimes
Resource Person: Mr. Onkar Sonawane
October is celebrated as “Cyber Security Awareness “ month globally every year. This year’s theme is “See yourself in Cyber: Together we make it safer”.
The “Cyber Safety Club” of St. John International School organised an Online Session on Tuesday,18th October 2022 using Google Meet for Grade IX,X & XII. The resource person was Mr. Onkar Sonawane, India’s Youngest Ethical Hacker & Cyber Security Expert, honoured with OMG Book Of Records December 2019 for India’s Youngest Ethical Hacker and India Book of records February 2020 ,highlighted major aspects of Legal Ethical Hacking and how it is used for the purpose of security.
He also explained the various techniques used in Ethical Hacking and differentiated Ethical and Unethical hacking as well as interpreted the scope of Ethical Hacking as a career opportunity for the students.
He spread awareness among the students regarding various cyber attacks and measures to prevent cyber crimes. The session ended with an interactive feedback and a vote of thanks.