December 7, 2024
Phone number: +91 2525 297 072

Visit to Dhawale Memorial Hospital

  • Location: Dr. M.L. Dhawale Trust's Rural Homeopathic Hospital Palghar
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Visit to Dhawale Memorial Hospital   “Nothing beats an exciting hands on experience to deepen learning. The magic of a field trip isn’t just the subject. It’s the break in routine that opens up student’s mind to new things.” As a part of a health campaign and Health and & Physical Education project, Grade IX and X students of St John International School interacted with the doctors and officials of Dhawale Memorial Hospital Palghar, on 8th August 2019 and had an interactive session related to Waste management system in the hospital and to explore the importance of correct waste disposal, waste reduction, recycling, sustainability and recovering resources.   The main aim of this visit was to expand students’ knowledge on Solid Waste Management and to help them gain an understanding of the importance of reducing waste and implementing it in daily life and bring in a change in the society. Taking this experience forward, students will prepare a PPT on proper disposal of waste and will find ways to reduce and recycle the waste. The students will also conduct a survey on waste management in their surroundings and will promote waste segregation i.e segregating wet and dry waste. They understood that proper disposal of waste is vital for sustainability and that everyone can do something to make a difference.