Welfare of Minorities
Date: Tuesday, Nov 20, 2018
St. John International School celebrated Integration week from 19th November to 25th November. The prime minister had launched a new 15 point programme for the welfare of minorities in 2006.
On 20th November we celebrated welfare of the minorities’ day to create an awareness among the students on the welfare programme for the minorities.
The programme started by giving the information to children about the welfare of minorities.Then later the students of Grade IX performed a skit on the awareness of education for minorities. Through this skit an important message was conveyed about the facilities the government is providing for the education of the weaker section which is included as the tenth point in the 15 point programme. The choir group and the students of Grade II sang a song titled “We Shall Overcome”.
Our principal Sr. Apoline Pais, the staff and the students worked together for the success of this programme, the Principal then spoke a few words of appreciation and with this the programme ended.